Project Facilitation


I can facilitate projects and assist clients through a variety of methods in a variety of settings including job and life satisfaction strategies, life skills, employability skills and personality assessments. I can work with you to create something specific to meet your needs.

Case Studies

Speaking Engagements

In response to my personal commitment to prevent the cycle of abuse and to make our community a safer place, I volunteer with the Red Cross, RespectED program. Upon completion of an in-depth screening interview and 175 hour training process, I have provided interactive and informative presentations in local high schools to groups of youth that the students describe as “fun”, “straight-up and honest”, in an environment that is “made to feel comfortable.”

Art with Community Organizations

I volunteered for a Surrey support group for girls with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). FASD is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities with possible lifelong implications. The girls in our group were impacted with some or all of these effects.

  • Project Goal: An art project that would link the group sessions together so the girls could contribute each week in a simple, fun and engaging manner in order for them to feel beautiful and part of a social network.
  • Challenge: Come up with a project that reflected their theme of Butterflies using their motto, “Totally Beautiful”. The art piece had to be mobile so they could use it at various functions and events.
  • Project Facilitation: First session – I was introduced as their personal Artist-in-Residence and we brainstormed on what kind of art they liked. With their input carefully considered we decided to paint a butterfly on large foam board using pictures of the girls dressed as butterflies to personalize it.
  • Session planning and process included:
    • photo shoot with costumes and masks
    • painting session with each participant contributing what they each wanted.
    • decoupage session where we pasted the pictures in a collage to fill in the body of the butterfly.
    • Final session was glamourizing the image and completing it, as well as group photo as a keepsake and for future marketing.

The final result was a great mobile mural with great colours and “totally beautiful” smiling faces. The participants loved seeing their own faces in the art.

Visit My Rates page for details.

Art Done Wright